2.2 Mapping

Once the reads have been quality checked and trimmed, the next step is to map the reads to the reference genome (in our case the human genome “hg19”). This can be done with the Bioconductor package Rsubread .

Before mapping the reads to the reference genome you will need to build a Rsubread index for that genome. Below are the commands for building an index for the human reference genome using the buildindex command.

PLEASE DO NOT RUN the buildindex() code in the workshop as this can take awhile. We have already build the index for you.

buildindex(basename=file.path(RSUBREAD_INDEX_BASE, RSUBREAD_INDEX_PATH), reference=REF_GENOME)

Once the Rsubread index has been created you can map your reads to the genome by running the align command. The code below could be used to map the reads for a specific library against the “hg19” genome.

sample <- "ERR420386"

inputFileFWD <- file.path(RNASeq_DATA_DIR, paste0(sample,"_chr21_R1.fastq.gz"))
inputFileRVS <- file.path(RNASeq_DATA_DIR, paste0(sample,"_chr21_R2.fastq.gz"))

output.bamFile <- file.path(MAPPING_DIR, paste0(sample,".bam"))

## [1] "../data/RNAseq/raw_data/ERR420386_chr21_R1.fastq.gz"
## [1] "../data/RNAseq/raw_data/ERR420386_chr21_R2.fastq.gz"
## [1] "results/RNAseq/mapping/ERR420386.bam"

For the purpose of this workshop the mapping has already been done. This step can take up to a couple of hours per library.

Please only run the following command using the subset sample *_chr21_R1.fastq.gz, which is much smaller.

     readfile1 = inputFileFWD, 
     readfile2 = inputFileRVS,
     input_format = "gzFASTQ",
     output_file = output.bamFile,
     output_format = "BAM")
##         ==========     _____ _    _ ____  _____  ______          _____  
##         =====         / ____| |  | |  _ \|  __ \|  ____|   /\   |  __ \ 
##           =====      | (___ | |  | | |_) | |__) | |__     /  \  | |  | |
##             ====      \___ \| |  | |  _ <|  _  /|  __|   / /\ \ | |  | |
##               ====    ____) | |__| | |_) | | \ \| |____ / ____ \| |__| |
##         ==========   |_____/ \____/|____/|_|  \_\______/_/    \_\_____/
##        Rsubread 1.24.2
## //========================== subread-align setting ===========================\\
## ||                                                                            ||
## || Function      : Read alignment (RNA-Seq)                                   ||
## || Input file 1  : ../data/RNAseq/raw_data/ERR420386_chr21_R1.fastq.gz        ||
## || Input file 2  : ../data/RNAseq/raw_data/ERR420386_chr21_R2.fastq.gz        ||
## || Output file   : results/RNAseq/mapping/ERR420386.bam (BAM)                 ||
## || Index name    : ../data/RNAseq/ref_data/RsubreadIndex/hg19                 ||
## ||                                                                            ||
## ||                    ------------------------------------                    ||
## ||                                                                            ||
## ||                       Threads : 1                                          ||
## ||                  Phred offset : 33                                         ||
## ||       # of extracted subreads : 10                                         ||
## ||                Min read1 vote : 3                                          ||
## ||                Min read2 vote : 1                                          ||
## ||             Max fragment size : 600                                        ||
## ||             Min fragment size : 50                                         ||
## ||    Maximum allowed mismatches : 3                                          ||
## ||   Maximum allowed indel bases : 5                                          ||
## || # of best alignments reported : 1                                          ||
## ||                Unique mapping : yes                                        ||
## ||                                                                            ||
## \\===================== http://subread.sourceforge.net/ ======================//
## //================ Running (12-Apr-2017 20:38:48, pid=31533) =================\\
## ||                                                                            ||
## || The input file contains base space reads.                                  ||
## || The range of Phred scores observed in the data is [2,40]                   ||
## || Load the 1-th index block...                                               ||
## ||    4% completed, 0.2 mins elapsed, rate=4.1k fragments per second          ||
## ||   10% completed, 0.2 mins elapsed, rate=4.1k fragments per second          ||
## ||   17% completed, 0.3 mins elapsed, rate=4.1k fragments per second          ||
## ||   24% completed, 0.3 mins elapsed, rate=4.1k fragments per second          ||
## ||   30% completed, 0.4 mins elapsed, rate=4.1k fragments per second          ||
## ||   37% completed, 0.4 mins elapsed, rate=4.1k fragments per second          ||
## ||   44% completed, 0.5 mins elapsed, rate=4.0k fragments per second          ||
## ||   50% completed, 0.5 mins elapsed, rate=4.0k fragments per second          ||
## ||   57% completed, 0.5 mins elapsed, rate=4.0k fragments per second          ||
## ||   64% completed, 0.6 mins elapsed, rate=4.0k fragments per second          ||
## ||   69% completed, 0.6 mins elapsed, rate=3.0k fragments per second          ||
## ||   73% completed, 0.6 mins elapsed, rate=3.1k fragments per second          ||
## ||   76% completed, 0.7 mins elapsed, rate=3.2k fragments per second          ||
## ||   80% completed, 0.7 mins elapsed, rate=3.2k fragments per second          ||
## ||   83% completed, 0.7 mins elapsed, rate=3.3k fragments per second          ||
## ||   86% completed, 0.7 mins elapsed, rate=3.4k fragments per second          ||
## ||   90% completed, 0.7 mins elapsed, rate=3.5k fragments per second          ||
## ||   93% completed, 0.7 mins elapsed, rate=3.5k fragments per second          ||
## ||   96% completed, 0.7 mins elapsed, rate=3.6k fragments per second          ||
## ||                                                                            ||
## ||                          Completed successfully.                           ||
## ||                                                                            ||
## \\============================================================================//
## //================================= Summary ==================================\\
## ||                                                                            ||
## ||          Processed : 161,297 fragments                                     ||
## ||             Mapped : 160,518 fragments (99.5%)                             ||
## ||   Correctly paired : 126,376 fragments                                     ||
## ||             Indels : 2,635                                                 ||
## ||                                                                            ||
## ||       Running time : 0.7 minutes                                           ||
## ||                                                                            ||
## \\===================== http://subread.sourceforge.net/ ======================//

The nthreads parameter can be used in the align command to speed up the process and run the alignment using several CPUs in parallel.

The function propmapped returns the proportion of mapped reads in the output SAM file: total number of input reads, number of mapped reads and proportion of mapped reads.

## The input file is opened as a BAM file.
## The fragments in the input file are being counted.
## Finished. All records: 322594; all fragments: 161297; mapped fragments: 160518; the mappability is 99.52%
##                                Samples NumTotal NumMapped PropMapped
## 1 results/RNAseq/mapping/ERR420386.bam   161297    160518    0.99517

You can run the propmapped() on multiple bam files to return a summary of the total number of reads per file and the number of reads that were mappable or unmappable. However, this can take a very long time to run for big bam files.


For example:
all.bam.files <- grep(‘.bam’,dir(‘../data/RNAseq/mapping’,full.names = T),value=T)
pm <- propmapped(all.bam.files)

2.2.1 Examining the mapped reads

Create a BamFile object and load the file into memory so we can interact with it and find out some information. The seqinfo() function outputs the headding information, in this exercise, this is the

bf <- BamFile(output.bamFile)
## Seqinfo object with 25 sequences from an unspecified genome:
##   seqnames seqlengths isCircular genome
##   chrM          16571       <NA>   <NA>
##   chr1      249250621       <NA>   <NA>
##   chr2      243199373       <NA>   <NA>
##   chr3      198022430       <NA>   <NA>
##   chr4      191154276       <NA>   <NA>
##   ...             ...        ...    ...
##   chr20      63025520       <NA>   <NA>
##   chr21      48129895       <NA>   <NA>
##   chr22      51304566       <NA>   <NA>
##   chrX      155270560       <NA>   <NA>
##   chrY       59373566       <NA>   <NA>

We can take a closer look and find out how many of the reads map to each chromosome. To do this, we need to first sort and index the bam file.

output.sorted.bamFile <- file.path(MAPPING_DIR,paste0(sample, '.sorted'))
sortBam(output.bamFile, output.sorted.bamFile)
## [1] "results/RNAseq/mapping/ERR420386.sorted.bam"
output.sorted.bamFile <- paste0(output.sorted.bamFile, ".bam")
##       results/RNAseq/mapping/ERR420386.sorted.bam 
## "results/RNAseq/mapping/ERR420386.sorted.bam.bai"
dir(MAPPING_DIR, full.names=T)
## [1] "results/RNAseq/mapping/ERR420386.bam"           
## [2] "results/RNAseq/mapping/ERR420386.bam.indel"     
## [3] "results/RNAseq/mapping/ERR420386.sorted.bam"    
## [4] "results/RNAseq/mapping/ERR420386.sorted.bam.bai"
output.bam.index <- dir(MAPPING_DIR, full.names=T)[grep(".bai",dir(MAPPING_DIR))]
## [1] "results/RNAseq/mapping/ERR420386.sorted.bam.bai"

Once the index bam file has been created, we can find out the number of mapped reads per chromosome:

chr.mapping.stats <- idxstatsBam(output.bamFile, index=output.bam.index)
##    seqnames seqlength mapped unmapped
## 1      chr1 249250621    150        0
## 2      chr2 243199373    559        0
## 3      chr3 198022430     20        0
## 4      chr4 191154276     79        0
## 5      chr5 180915260    892        0
## 6      chr6 171115067    200        0
## 7      chr7 159138663    850        0
## 8      chr8 146364022      7        0
## 9      chr9 141213431    101        0
## 10    chr10 135534747     10        0
## 11    chr11 135006516    212        0
## 12    chr12 133851895    155        0
## 13    chr13 115169878     42        0
## 14    chr14 107349540     19        0
## 15    chr15 102531392     56        0
## 16    chr16  90354753    924        0
## 17    chr17  81195210      6        0
## 18    chr18  78077248     27        0
## 19    chr19  59128983     24        0
## 20    chr20  63025520     20        0
## 21    chr21  48129895 314047        0
## 22    chr22  51304566     15        0
## 23     chrX 155270560     46        0
## 24     chrY  59373566     66        0
## 25     chrM     16571      0        0

This is easiest to view as a plot:

rownames(chr.mapping.stats) <- chr.mapping.stats$seqnames

Mapping percentage

Using a barplot, can you find out which other chromsome has the highest number of mapped reads?

Hint: repeat the barplot but without the bar for chr21.


total.mapped.reads <- sum(chr.mapping.stats\(mapped)</code><br /> <code>chr.mapping.stats\)mapped.prop <- chr.mapping.stats\(mapped/total.mapped.reads*100</code><br /> <code>barplot(chr.mapping.stats\)mapped.prop[-21],
las=2, col=‘slateblue’, ylim=c(0,1))